End of an Era: Blackberry Dies

End of an Era: Blackberry Dies

Jan 10, 2022


Today's News

黑莓手机已死 一个传奇时代的终结
End of an Era: Blackberry Dies
The Canadian company BlackBerry discontinued service on its phone on Jan. 4.  Users will no longer be able to use some basic functions with this phone, including for data, SMS, phone calls,  and emergency call functionality.  The death of Blackberry marks the end of an era for iconic handset.

Words & Grammar
黑莓(hēi méi): Blackberry

更新(gēngxīn): to update, you can update your wechat moment, or update your facebook. 你可以更新你的微信,或者更新你的 Facebook,也可以更新系统,更新 Apps,update apps in your phone, update your operation system,etc.

服务(fúwù): service

系统(xìtǒng): systom

用户(yònghù): users

不再(bú zài): no longer

款(kuǎn): measure word in this news. 款有款式,样式的意思,所以做量词的时候,常常和有设计感的物体进行搭配。Examples: 一款衣服,一款游戏,一款(台)电脑。

执行(zhíxíng): implement, execute

操作(cāozuò): operation.

传输数据(chuánshū shùjù): to transmit data, data transmission.

上网(shàngwǎng):  online surfing, online browsing.上网这个词很常用,比如,“很多人喜欢上网买东西。”“这个词是什么意思?我上网查查。”“很多老年人都在上网看电视,看新闻,买东西。”“这个时代,你必须学会上网,不然你就成了瞎子和聋子了。”

拨打紧急求救电话(bōdǎ jǐnjí qiújiù diànhuà): it is a collocation. 拨打, to dial, to make a call. 紧急求救电话:emergency call。 紧急:emergent 。求救:ask for help。

Grammar point

标志着一个传奇时代的结束(biāozhì zhe yíge chuánqí shídài de jiéshù):  mark the end of  an era.

标志,to mark, 一个时代的结束,the end of an era. End here should be translated as "结束" in chinese, we can't say "结尾". 结尾 is only used to indicate the end of a story, or an article. Whereas 结束 is an abstract noun, so we can match the attributive "时代"  with the noun "结束".

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