Black Basketball Players Were Called Nig ...

Black Basketball Players Were Called Nigger By Chinese Citizens

Jan 20, 2022

Isn't it funny how when Asians, and specifically in this news brief, Chinese people, have nothing to say whenever one of their own is disrespectful?

The level of disrespect continues from the Asian community without being checked but we will continue to check them and put out the receipts for all the slow 🐢🐢🐢 people in the back!

Let's see, in America, there's the Asian Hate Crimes Bill that was passed and in China, the Chinese were trying to throw the Africans out claiming that the Africans we're the ones who brought the china-virus to China. Ain't that some shit! People of Africa had better wake up before you become fully colonized again by the Chinese.

Today we show you a news brief of yet another disrespectful violation of the Chinese. We're surprised that the ones yelling out racial slurs didn't catch the proverbial "fade" on those Chinese streets.

After you watch this video, we're going to add additional videos to show you the continued violations of Asian people.

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