Posted on 2024-12-29
TF2 HUD development:
Updating Bing Soy HUD for demo showcase
TF2 YouTube post:
Another delay (other than demo sorting, Sniper arms fix & my slow pace) to precede my next main TF2 channel upload, to further develop my personal HUD, "Bing Soy HUD" for demo showcase.
I did hope to start making the video since last update post, but I found that a better-suited HUD was needed for my Huntsman demos.
I worked on it enough for a small preview, yet to be completed enough for Huntsman purposes + some extra HUD info overlay tests:
Despite it now being more than a year since last TF2 upload, there are still many videos planned for the channel (many demos waiting). I aim to increase my output rate, I hope things will snowball in a good direction (generic but I do).
Reminder: if you need the money, DON'T give away money, including me.
With that said, thanks for supporting your favorite video creators, me included.
More TF2 things
YouTube comments: I have gone through my backlog of my TF2 channel comments (~a year), can't say if I'll be more frequent, will just do it. Want to be in a better state of mind when reading/responding.
elmaxo TF2 video retirement: Only recently heard of this when going through my video comments. I can only wish him well for his next ventures, thanks for your contribution to TF2 & to me. That "strangest player" video – though some parts I didn't fully agree with, which I'm long over now – it can't be denied that it was well-made, has positively affected me with audience growth (good people), increased purpose/obligation to make more (TF2) videos & offered a unique perspective of an outsider's view of me at a time of higher reclusion & reluctance to communicate (maybe still am, a little less so). To more accurately express who I am, I must do the rest. 🖖
After saving up a while & with help from your contributions, I've upgraded my PC so I can more efficiently work with less worry about laggy recording/slow render times.
It'd also occurred to me that streaming could be a possibility for me (did some tests, seems viable).
TF2 possible, though not too certain about streaming multiplayer games, we'll see.
Be warned: no voice commentary.
Streaming objectives:
Help build consistency
Record videos/stream work for my other channels; less downtime between uploads
Possible community/chat engagement
If you're interested, subscribe to my livestreaming channel to be notified:
If you use Twitch, there's a browser extension with a feature that can make your subscribed YouTube channels appear on the sidebar when live:
My other YouTube channels
Along with possibly streaming, I'll try to consider my other/smaller channels to upload videos more often. In past month, made a few videos for my Roguelike channel (rebranded from my Binding of Isaac channel). Don't want to say too much about specifics, results better demonstrate.
For links to all my YouTube channels, go here:
Also, some of my channels (ones with at least a few videos) should have featured channel sections listing all my channels – interlinked.