Bing Soy
60 supporters
Bing Soy TF2 video - your name in credit ...

Bing Soy TF2 video - your name in credits check + less credits email

Jul 31, 2023

checking if i will be displaying the name you want (again). i have edited page infos and try to make it more obvious about how it works so i can avoid sending emails for this every time because more and more people who haven't made a recent donation who already had their name featured would get a useless email. this would be easier to email if limited to members only, but i want to include the one-time donations too for credits. if you have suggestions or complaints with how i use email option for certain posts, feel free to state them.

quick recap of credits policy (more info):

  • active member = automatic feature

  • cancelled but paid member for month but after video upload = credits in next video

  • donation = 1 feature per person per video (multiple donation during period of production of 1 video = 1 name feature)

  • name size related to donation amount

  • threshold may be put in place in future depending on amount of names

Here is preview image of credits screen of next video:


If you want different name, change your name here🔗 to exactly the one you want and comment here below this post which name you want changed to the name you just changed. Once you changed your name, I will use whatever name shows up next time on next donation/membership renewal should you donate again. I may delete your comment about changing the name after changing it in the video (unless you say otherwise), if it contains a name you want changed.

If it's fine, no response needed.

I will wait at least 2 days for this check.

Plain text format for next credits names (Ctrl+F–friendly):

Members (recurring monthly + recent cancel):

  • Delco Goblin

  • @pikablue107

  • ToasterBoat

  • The Bedtime Bandit

  • Emma Rhys

  • JayKay

  • Faerun_F

  • Bleach

  • Sam Kendrick

  • Spacey24

Donators (1 time donation):


  • Rat Spatula

  • DisabledHabanero

  • Samuel Stephenson

  • Chen

  • Nils Dremo

  • Slaxckson

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