How praying helps in our spiritual growt ...

How praying helps in our spiritual growth

Apr 18, 2022

Originally published in

One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. Luke 11:1a NIV 1984

Previously, we learned about how writing can help us in our mental health which is one of the important areas in our life. And to continue, let's now look into how prayer can help in our spiritual growth.

There are several ways for us to grow spiritually. However, before we dive in to the main topic of this blog post, I just want to share that this will only work if we accept the fact we are lacking and that we need help in the spiritual area of our life. The same principle applies to other areas.

That's why it is very important to take the life balance assessment first with all honesty and humility for us to know which area we need to improve on. I wish I learned this early on in my life but you know pride and culture are the weapons of the enemy. Praise God, I got saved!

Now when we talk about spiritual growth, whose name comes to your mind first? For me, it's none other than my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. ❤️

It actually amazes me whenever I encountered a passage or a scene from the Bible where Jesus is praying. Sometimes early in the morning. Often times alone in a solitary place. But sometimes with His friends. Take note, He knew that He is the Messiah, the Savior of the world. 🤯

So picking up from that thought, there is something really powerful about prayer that even Jesus Himself does it regularly. It's really no secret that prayer is one of the major way that we can do if we want to grow our spiritual life. And we need to pray everyday.

Do you have any Prayer Request?

Here in Biblebase, we created an app to help us pray for each other.

Make sure you are in your Dashboard area then click on Spiritual Growth in the left hand side menu to open all the apps related to it. You should be able to see something like this image below.
Next, open the Prayer Request app and then simply add your specific prayer request.
Lastly, click the Submit button and that's how easy it is!

Where did your Prayer Request go?

Don't worry, our prayer requests goes to our Prayer Wall and the prayer warriors of Biblebase community are more than happy to pray for us. 😉
Ps. would it be fun if we can also pray for the requests of more people? Please feel free to share to your family and friends! Thanks and God bless you! 🙏🏻

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