19 supporters


Nov 18, 2021


This is my introductory post. I wanted to thank every person who has supported me thus far formally. It makes me so happy to be supported by a community of like-minded, intelligent, and knowledge-seeking women. I love to share my advice and perspective and many of the resources where I have gained my knowledge. I hope that you find lots of helpful information in these resources as well.

I have tiered the number of resources available passed on the number of coffees sent to keep things fair. I appreciate your contribution, no matter the size. And I will continually add resources and my insights to this platform for you all. I am again giving the juiciest game to the most generous benefactors.

I have lots I want to share with you all, besides what I share on Instagram. So, be on the lookout for that in the future. I will also add such notifications to my IG stories so that you lovely ladies always remain in the loop.

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