Let Go of The Old & Embrace The NEW

Let Go of The Old & Embrace The NEW

Mar 30, 2024

Are you holding onto old/expired relationships? Remember that God has NEW wine for you in NEW wineskins. You cannot put new wine into old wineskins.

This means you cannot bring the old into the new (Mark 2:22) #222. Take those persons before God who you are not sure should be with you any longer on this journey. Remember that God had Abraham leave his family for the new thing (Genesis 12).

Holding onto the old can compromise the new God has for you. He will NOT put new things in your hand if they are full of old things for there is no space to hold them.

May you be Increased in Jesus' mighty name.

Maria πŸ’›

Resources πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


πŸ”₯ 1. 10 Free Daily Affirmations Download here


πŸ”₯ 2. Kingdom Warrior Self- Affirmations


Prayer To Serve God

Heavenly Father, I come before you in a posture of surrender. I give my life to You believing that Your Son, Jesus Christ died so that I may live an abundant life here on earth. Your Word in Romans 10:13 says that those who call upon you shall be saved. I ask You to save me from this life of sin and accept my surrender today to live for You. Come into my life and transform me into the person You created me to be. Thank you, in Jesus' mighty name, amen.

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