Energising winter flow & Solstice

Energising winter flow & Solstice

Nov 21, 2023

Dear supporters

a wee bonus email this week about a couple of classes I have coming up.

On Thursday morning this week Soma will focus on energising for winter and chest openers for cold and flu season. The class runs 10-11am in The Yoga Tree and is just £6 a class for November and December. Please let me know if you would like to come.

I am also delighted to confirm that I will be offering a special class for Winter Solstice! Join me to celebrate the turning of the year with some candlelit yoga, meditation, and journaling on Thursday 21st December 7.30-9.30pm. Our focus will be letting go of the year through deep stretches and breathwork, restorative poses, guided meditation, and reflective journaling. I love to mark the longest night at the start of the holiday season, I hope you will join me. Spaces are limited. £12 early bird or £15 full price, you can find the booking link on my buymeacoffee page now.

Finally, for anyone struggling with grief and loss at the moment, there are still a few places available at a free community workshop in The Yoga Tree on Sunday 3rd 2-3.30pm. Please email Lesley Anne at the Yoga Tree if you would like to attend.

warm wishes


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