Embrace the Mystery of the World

Embrace the Mystery of the World

Jan 22, 2024

I have always considered myself weird, but like I didn't treat that as like some endearing quality. In fact, I thought it was a problem. It was only a few months ago that I had myself convinced that I didn't belong here on this planet. That I was here by some sort of mistake. I slipped through some portal by mistake and got here. We are taught that we are not alone and that some higher power is there helping us, and guiding us. Only it all seemed like I was alone. No one to watch me or guide me. I have just been stumbling through life so LOST.

This left me powerless and for my entire life, I have been guided by my mind, my thoughts, and overcome by paralyzing fear waiting for the next bad thing to happen. I knew that something had to change. My life was crashing and burning. I was self-sabotaging everything I was working towards. Even still I am dealing with the consequences of particular choices.

The bottom line is, this planet is a hard place to be. I believe there are both high-level player and low-level players. I think it was designed this way so that there could be a distinction. Sort of like light versus dark. Good cannot exist without evil otherwise how would be know the difference? Does that make sense?

I'm a doer and I feel like I must do to bring about change. But what do you do when you have done all the things? How do you trust a world that left you burning?

I don't have all the answers. I know very little actually but what I have learned so far is that life is not about figuring out the mystery but instead embracing it. It takes blind faith sometimes to believe that the universe has your back. Eventually, I hope to offer some solid tools to upgrade your life but the truth is I haven't really found anything yet. I have a lot of irons in the fire so I will update you on what is working and what isn't.

So far what I can say is don't allow your mind to dictate your state of being. You must always focus on your heart. Over and over again and no matter what believe in miracles. Even when it seems like everything is going to shit just trust and let your heart guide you.... just picture your heart space. Think about your heart and if your brain shuts off that means your thoughts are taking control and that is the habit you need to break. That is where I am starting and my body is significantly calmer.

Velke Polibky,


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