All About Me

All About Me

Nov 28, 2023

Hello Everyone!

I am not sure why my intuition nudged me to make this page. In an effort to basically have a closer relationship with myself, I decided to listen. If you somehow made it to this page then the following post will be a little about me in case you are interested. I have always enjoyed writing. No one ever said I was particularly good at it, nor have I pursued it so to speak. It is just something that I love to do. It is what gets me in flow which is why I know I should be doing it.

I write about life. I have a curious mind and often write about things that no one in my real life talks about. My writing is authentic, it gives me a chance to show up in the world just the way I want to. Yes, I might be judged for it but it is starting not to bother me so much now.

I am a passionate almost therapist ( I am an intern at the moment trying to graduate ). I know that I was meant to serve in this lifetime and as cliche as it may sound I do want to leave the world a better place than it was when I decided to come here.

I never grew up wanting kids but because the Universe works in a mysterious way I am a mother to my 18-month-old daughter. As usual with situations like this one, she ended up being exactly what my heart needed. She is everything to me. While motherhood is the hardest thing I have ever done it is by far the best. While she may scream in my face often, and get mad always, I can't help but love everything about her. She is my heart warrior and was diagnosed with TOF when is was 9 months old. A missed diagnosis. It was life-altering and earth-shattering, so to watch her grow and thrive now is extra special.

I am 36 ( I think) I am too lazy to do the math and I have been somewhat of a fuck up my whole life. Not in a washed-up drug user kind of way but more of letting the world take me wherever it does and believing that I had no actual real power. I lacked direction and drank a lot of beer and wine. I never really had any passions (probably cause of the drinking), I never knew where I wanted to go or what I wanted to do and I just never felt like I belonged here on this planet. For a long time, I really thought it might have been a mistake or accident that I was here. Maybe I convinced myself of that long ago as an excuse to do nothing. Low self-worth does that sort of thing.

It was not until recently that I decided to let all that self-loathing go. I have to admit it has been quite wonderful. I believe humanity is in this thing together. While the world is quite literally in shambles I truly believe that if more people could come together the world would change. I am all about unity and community which is ironic seeing as I have felt I never truly fit in anywhere. I am starting to think that ties into my purpose here.

I am in love with exploring the mysteries of the world. I am a seeker but always open to new perspectives so I have a lot of theories and opinions and they often change the more knowledge I acquire. I love to read, I love to learn, I love to write, and I love to be outside. I should be by the water every day but for right now I am not.

I believe in the power of the mind and the miraculous vehicle that is our body. I believe nature is far more intelligent than any human could ever be and as much as I love America I believe we got it wrong here.

I want to be a mother, I want to serve the world, and I want to be financially free and I plan to do that in an unconventional way even if I don't know what that way is.

I like conspiracy theories. Critical thinking and discernment are most important but also becoming a lost art. I. meditate even though I think I don't know how, I really do love coffee, and I believe in the magic of this world. I am learning to lead with love instead of fear and I am healing my body because I truly believe it helps heal the world.

I'm a traveler that doesn't do a lot of traveling

A writer that doesn't do a lot of writing

But that is all changing now.

Did I mention I have a small podcast? maybe I should start that back up again.

Thank you for being here.


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