Execution of Maritime Pilotage—excellent ...

Execution of Maritime Pilotage—excellent guidance for pilots

Jun 23, 2022

Marine Café Blog has added a new downloadable file for pilots and those interested in the pilotage profession. 'Execution of Maritime Pilotage' is a concisely written, four-page article from the prestigious Constanta Maritime University of Romania.



The essence of a good plan is knowing the limits within which the ship may be navigated in safety. The essential questions which the Navigating Officer must be able to answer at all times during a pilotage passage are:

Is the ship on track?

If not, where is the ship in relation to the track and what steps are being taken to regain it?

How close is the ship to danger?

How far is it to the next alteration of course?

Are the tidal streams and depths of water as predicted?


Here's the download link: https://marine-cafe.com/download/execution-of-maritime-pilotage-article/

I hope you find the article useful. Please keep visiting Marine Café Blog!

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