Earvin Baraka
5 supporters
2021 Projects, Integrating Blender and ...

2021 Projects, Integrating Blender and Unreal Engine into my workflow

Jan 27, 2021

Hey there, Hope you are doing great. Today's article will be based on future projects, the software's I am likely to learn and how I can improve the quality of my renders.

After using Blender 3D software for almost 2 years now I decided to take my designs a notch higher by challenging myself to learn Unreal Engine and Substance. Although Unreal Engine can seem intimidating at first, it's all about practice, whether you want to be a chief or a developer.. its really about practising. So, the transition between Blender and Unreal(ue4) has been quite smooth so far since most concepts can be borrowed from Blender.

Why Unreal?

My aim/mission is to create photorealistic renders, therefore I believe Unreal Engine is a great tool to fulfil that. This year, the focus is to create detailed and high-quality 3D renders which at times will seem hard to distinguish from actual photos.

Basically, modelling will be done using Blender then later imported to Ue4 for texturing, lighting and rendering.

This Week

Here is a high-quality render I made using Blender this week

It's great right? let me know in the comments below.

I recently opened a Behance account where now you can access 4k Renders, in addition, I will keep you posted on Instagram, Artstation and Youtube, soon I will post a behind the scene while Using Unreal Engine 4.

“The bigger the challenge, the bigger the opportunity for growth.” Anonymous

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