Ep 40: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and ...

Ep 40: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Being Not At All "Starving" Artists

Jul 29, 2021

Well hello there, babes. Welcome back to Your Place or Mine, hosted by Bae Savage. In this episode, we chat with the incredibly talented babes of Pandr Design Co, Roxy Prima and Phoebe Cornog. 

We talk about how they chose to pursue their dreams and are fighting against the starving artist stereotype by making money doing it! Hear about the launch of their upcoming book Wonder Walls that can teach anyone how to make a mural in their own home.  We unpack the struggles they face with sexism in their industry and what they're doing to help empower women to assess the true value of their work. 

Find the Pandr Design Co babes at the links below, and check out baesavage.com for more!

Website:   https://www.pandrdesignco.com/


Check out their upcoming book and preorder here: 
USA: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1635862779
Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/Wonder-Walls-Transform-Geometrics-Techniques

Listen on Spotify:


Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/your-place-or-mine/id1536752936

Listen on YouTube:


Want more? Go to www.baesavage.com


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