Connecting With Your Ideal Reader

Connecting With Your Ideal Reader

Jan 13, 2020

Connecting with your ideal reader. How often does that happen?

It’s the ideal goal that all of us authors strive for but finding our target audience is difficult. There’s ad spending, paid promo sites that include your book in their newsletter, and the not-so-comfortable act of posting “buy my book” all across social media.

In November 2019, when I was nine-months pregnant and too preoccupied to write, I decided to send out some book review request emails to avid readers and book bloggers.

One of those avid readers is Margaret. Margaret read my book in a couple of days and it ended up becoming her first five-star review of 2020. My new-adult themed urban fantasy novel with a female of color main character checked all of her boxes!

While her written book review is great, I was elated when watching her book review video on YouTube. Her excitement was contagious. Her difficulty in talking about her favorite parts without revealing major plot twists was endearing.

Without knowing her, I wrote This Time for Margaret and my book found its way to her. How awesome is that?!

Connecting with your ideal reader. It happens.


Indie Review: This Time by Azaaa Davis by Margaret Adelle Laupp


Delightfully messy morality and great twists! by Margaret Adelle Laupp

Book Review Quotes:

“The emotional depth she feels in her struggles at being resurrected are intense. I felt for her on so many levels”.

“There are some fantastic battles, with a lot of blood and a lot on the line. Nadira's got a kickass skill set and a trump card up her sleeve that I can't explain (cuz spoilers). Rest assured, the fight scenes were always entertaining.”

“The ending twist, which wasn't revealed until the literal last 2 words of the book, has me hooked. Azaaa Davis followed through on the previous twists beautifully, so I have to assume the next book in the series will be worth the read.”


Find out more about fantasy author Azaaa Davis at

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