Aug 05, 2024

hello, love. we are so excited that you are alive today.

(what do you mean?)

what we mean is that every new day is a miracle. you know that already. every breath you take is a precious gift. we feel how much you already value the wonder of life.

(being here now is tough though.)

yes. this is how it is meant to be. it is a process of learning who you are, what you are. the miracle that you are lives in the now. and from that point it creates and thrives. there is no living in the future, nor in the past. being anywhere else but here now is not living. it is projecting. the past, just as the future, is an illusion. it morphs and changes depending on your present condition. on your now moment. so creation goes both ways, back and forward, but only originates in the now.

(what are you trying to tell me?)

that worrying about the future creates a future to be worried about. let that sink in for a moment.

(i can understand that and can confirm its wisdom. but how do i become more present in the now and withdraw from the worrisome future?)

by reminding yourself that you are a precious child of god. a mighty creator of your own life path. you have not designed for yourself a life of doom. the doomy part you invent as you learn of your divine nature. but once you know of it, once you start feeling and living it, the doom is no longer necessary. and whenever you find yourself worrying about a future moment, remember that it is just remnants of your training. but you are no longer in training, love. you are a master now. know it to be true and live it. embody your magnificent creator self and just be. only wonders follow from that point.

(it is still a bit hard for me to embody it. i get worried that i may become delusional and so i suppress any awareness of mastery that arises in me, about me.)

we hear you, love. this too shall pass, haha. the echoes of your path so far are still around you but not for long. let them fall, let them pass you by. notice them but do not trust them with your life. know that the time to feel less of yourself has passed. you are what you are, a magnificent, divine being. act like one. be kind and gentle with others. be kind and gentle with yourself. love. that is all that matters. and the rest will fall in its place graciously, wonderfully, joyously. no one can take this away from you, love. what you have now - your faith, your knowledge, your wisdom - is yours to live by. do not let anyone tell you that the world is created otherwise. that it is a place of suffering and loss. it is not. suffering and loss are merely tools to awakening, and are not necessary afterwards. but because of the unknown that follows, people return to their chains and prison cells. it is the fear that needs to be shed. and it falls off on its own when you have your faith, your knowing that the only provider and protector in this universe is your divine father. by his grace you live and by his grace you are safe. and he loves you so much that no words can express that. it can only be felt, and only in this moment. he will not tell you that he will take care of you in the future. this is something you just know and learn to rely on - as if it is a fact, no doubt about it. and it is a fact. if there is one truth in this life, it is this - all you have, all you are, all you will ever be is by the grace of your divine father. and all suffering comes from doubt in him, from forgetting this simple truth. from trying to ensure your survival by earthly means. to outlive suffering though, is to trust the unknown. to live every moment as if it was the only moment that you have. the most precious gift of all. and this is how you find joy. this is how you live in joy. let your father take care of you. be present. live. and find out just how unimaginably magnificent your life can be.

13 July 2024

art: Ephesians‬ ‭1‬:‭17‬ by Bible Art

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