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Advent Update

Advent Update

Dec 16, 2022

Hello friends!

Once more let me thank you for your generous support. I'm in debt to your open hands and open hearts. At a time when I was ready to abandon my blogging, you gave me encouragement that was genuinely renewing, and has continued to be.

For the next couple of weeks I won't be blogging very much, partly because of the Season — but also because I'm taking some time to go back and read my own blog! A strange thing to do, perhaps, but I need to understand which topics I have explored thoroughly enough and which ones I need to revisit and develop further. For instance, I know I want to do more with my Invitation and Repair project, but I need to consider more deeply what the next steps should be.

But while the blog will be low-key for a while, my newsletter will continue to appear each Monday morning. And I'm starting something new.

For a long time I have reflected that American Christians, whether of the Right or the Left or something in between, have remarkably little to say about that truly fascinating figure, Jesus of Nazareth. So I've decided to use the podcasting feature of micro.blog to begin a series of brief audio meditations on Jesus. The first one went out today. It's quite short, just an introduction; later ones will be longer but not that much longer. I'll probably do one of these every week or ten days, for ... well, for a while. We'll see how it goes. I have five of them ready to go.

If you'd prefer to listen to these in a podcast app, this is the URL to use:


Otherwise, you can find them, along with my other microposts and photos, at social.ayjay.org -- which is also available via a weekly digest that goes out every Friday. You can subscribe to that here.

Okay, that's all for today! Advent grace and peace to you all --


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