The Council: Falsities Exist

The Council: Falsities Exist

Dec 25, 2024

Do you recognize the many falsities in existence today? Do you see how life offers less in the way of true or valid understandings? We discuss those things conjectured by the mind and passed down over time. These are the things that are held as real until more is brought into existence to be accepted. They are those things deemed plausible although they hold little semblance of being legitimate, actual, or real. It is that the mind fills in many of the blanks. This is how much becomes known. These less-than considerations are, over time, accepted as fact and believed to be real.

What are Falsities

But we want you to know that less is known in this space. We will term those which are believed over questioning and pausing mental presumptions as falsities. They are those things that cannot be known from the space in which you now exist. It is because the mind will not allow the understandings that we understand to be. Do you see?

Do you see that there is not a way to conspire to align or conjecture what we suggest that you ingest? It is that the only way to bring more truth to bear here in this space is to pause the mind and its mental knowingness so that more might be. This is how more becomes known in this space.

Given in Love

Do you see that life continually uses faulty or incomplete information until more can be ascertained? Once there is the recognition of what more can be, then more does then exist. It is from the vantage of wanting to know more, desiring to know more from another vantage of consideration. This, then, allows the being-ness of what truly is to spring forward and to become known.

Given in Love excerpt, Chapter 9

Do you understand what is meant here? Adopt more today than yesterday so you are not continuing to operate using a faulty premise or those things that cannot be.

Release Beliefs

Is it time to release beliefs once again? Minimize the falsities that exist within the understandings you hold in your life. If you have not already taken this step in the past, might you do so now? It is that you cannot move forward in the best way when you maintain partial truths. It is that you are limiting what you might otherwise know in this space of time. Recognize that more can be but only when you are willing to release some unnecessary ingredients. Release what you believe to be true. It is when you relinquish and reset your beliefs that more can be.

Do you see when you ponder, when you consider, when you look about to see what truly is, that is the time when true realization can be? This is the time when more can be. It is because you are willing to take a step back and look upon what you did not fully align or seek to know in a steadfast way.

And we will say that sometimes there is less known here that is actual and real than you might suspect. It is because the mind oftentimes fills in the blanks so there is no gap in what is believed. There is no gap in this way of what was under consideration. It is because you chose to believe this over that. Perhaps release what is self-limiting.

You see, beliefs are limitations and so we suggest that you not give them the standing that you might otherwise consider. Ponder upon such things and release what you will so that more can come to you for further consideration and reflection.

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