Optimal Living Hypnosis Free Audio

Optimal Living Hypnosis Free Audio

Apr 17, 2021

So we will focus on the good uses, the positive application of the hypnotic process to produce healing, wellness, and optimal performance. 

Hypnosis is widely used by physicians and psychologists in the treatment of physical, emotional, mental, and behavioral dysfunctions.  

Hypnosis is a process using a particular collection of tools and skills that: Enable a person to move in and out of various states of consciousness. Will enable the user to guide awareness (the conscious mind). 

Can be used to enhance or diminish certain patterns of thinking, feeling, behaving, believing, or relating. 

May affect behavior of the cells of the body The emotional state, the thoughts and images in the mind, and the belief system. 

Used properly, can facilitate healing and wholeness at every level of system.

View more hypnosis and meditation audios here https://meditationforfreedom.co.uk/product-category/audios/

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