To the shills slating me for this on telegram and the likes! what did you do to contribute? share our post? buy us a coffee? nah didnt think so go fuck yourself! and go watch bbc you pay them 13.33 a month!
I feel, better now I don't feel guilty as this is slave labour who works 16 to 18 hours a day for free my people did and I love them for that they stood by me and worked for free for almost 18months now many have lost their jobs since covid their main jobs so I can't expect them to live on fresh air! We don't get donation we are lucky to get one a month of a fiver! But yet we got abused for that so fuck the newbies now I'm running the ship I come militant and don't put up with shit the LSNT team has more patient for the sleeper I don't Sacked everyone? no I let them go I can't have people working for me for free I used to pay them with the YouTube revenue they stopped paying us after the Britain you got no ideas what's coming april 2020 it's all be on me since them to pay them what I could no one wants to work for free we been doing this decades so now I will stand alone and do the works and focus on my people keep laughing