Highlights Truth Movement

Highlights Truth Movement

May 24, 2021

This weeks top picks for waking up in the matrix

No1. David Icke Oracle Films


David Icke New Talking About The Protest & The Truth Movement By Oracle Films

NEW! David Icke Talks to Oracle Films about the world wide protest and the truth movement. Where he see us going from here and what his overall view on this situation is. Its a new world order but so many are still unaware, they have been distracted by a little lockdown ease up!

Watch Now: https://rumble.com/vhjhpr-david-icke-new-talking-about-the-protest-and-the-truth-movement.html

No2. Jordon Maxwell - I Already Knew


Jordon Maxwell I Knew Before The Warning Went Out Plandemic IM PREPPING!

Jordon Maxwell talkls about the plandemic and how he knew it was coming. He states that he has even started preparring by stocking up on food, water etc for whats to come. Welcome to the great awakening, knowledge is power in a mental war.

Watch Now: https://rumble.com/vhjj11-jordon-maxwell-i-knew-before-the-warning-im-prepping.html

NO3. Vernon Coleman - The Brainwashing Program


VERNON COLEMAN WAKING UP A WORLD! Behind The Cloak Brainwashing Program Mind Control

The Brainwashing Program, how they run the program on you. The voice of Vernon Coleman waking up the world. This was posted last year by Vernon on his Youtube Channel allot of people probably never seen it, since then his channel has been somewhat blocked on Youtube with most of the conents removed.

Watch Now: https://brandnewtube.com/v/pdOLJs

Harry Vox - Rockefeller World On Lockdown


Rockefeller lockstep The Ultimate Prize World On LOCK - See Notes.

Rockefeller Lockstep the ultimate prize controlling the sleeping Goyim, you will always be the goyim until you wake up Press 0p in box, ACCESS THE FULL LOCKSTEP DOCUMENT HERE: ⁣https://www.buymeacoffee.com/awakenedlight/e/29160

Watch Now: https://brandnewtube.com/v/G5DCgm

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