Why Software Testing is Not Effective in ...

Why Software Testing is Not Effective in Most Software Teams?

Apr 03, 2024

Today, I shared a Reddit Meme, “theRealtester”, with my thoughts on LinkedIn.

https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/1aiq7tw/therealtester/, with 4.5K likes

Within a few hours, my post received 100+ likes.

Interestingly, most of the comments are related to testing environments, such as:

“that’s why UAT it’s so important and a good practice in every agile team”
“The problem is different env coverage are not taken to the account by testers.”
“Few Reasons: -Different Environment , Scope of testing in this sprint,Timebox.
-If we give free hand to testers without timebox then they can find many bugs in short duration.”

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