October 2021 Moon Tracker Printable

October 2021 Moon Tracker Printable

Sep 29, 2021


A simple tracker for up to 11 things you want to keep track of in October. The PDF file contains a German version (page 1) and an English version (page 2). The moon phases fit for Europe. Please note they may vary in other regions. Size is 10,4 x 21 cm (PDF file also includes cut marks)

Please read over the terms of use before downloading:

Terms of use

This printable is free for personal use only. You are allowed to share the tracker under the following terms:

  • You may not use the tracker for commercial purposes.

  • If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.

  • Attribution is not necessary but appreciated (tag me as @astrofruechtle on Instagram).

Download Tracker

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