I'M BACK! You made it possible!

I'M BACK! You made it possible!

Mar 11, 2024


Hello My Friends

As you all know the weeks during and after the USA tour have been nothing short of an emotional rollercoaster for me. I want to acknowledge that and move forward. I want to let all of you know I’m doing good and ready to move on.


I’m changing the format a little bit so I don’t get pushed into the corner again, but hopefully you still get an insight into what I do. Let’s start building the best community there is on this platform - you sure can be a part of this. Be active in the comments and spread the message. Don’t be afraid to message me, I’ll try to answer as often as possible. Onwards and upwards my friends!

This week has been all about media coverage in Estonia. I visited 2 news shows and 2 radio shows to let everyone in Estonia know what we are up to and what happened during the USA visit. I want to let all of you know that it was a success and some plans are being finalized as I write these lines here at the moment.

I also visited the factory of KrattWorks - drone manufacturer in Estonia. We are ramping up our production of locally made drones here in Estonia and they are making great progress! Hopefully we can collaborate in the future to help Ukraine even more!

One of my supporters sent me a broken Starlink. I’m going to let it be fixed and sent to Ukraine in the next convoys. We as a whole can make anything happen my friends!

There are also finishing touches in the podcast filming studio so stay tuned for new podcasts in the coming weeks!
See you in the next week!

Together We Will Bring Ukraine To Victory!

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