Let’s face it – creativity can be tricky. One moment, it’s there, sparking new ideas and visions; the next, it’s vanished, leaving only blank pages and dry brushes. If you’ve decided you’re better off without the unpredictability of inspiration, here are five surefire ways to chase creativity away. Warning: They’re very effective.
1. Doubt Yourself… Constantly
The easiest way to stifle any creative flow is self-doubt. Second-guess everything. Are you talented enough? Is this idea even good? Why would anyone want to see what you create? By questioning every brushstroke and sentence, you’ll keep yourself nice and frozen in place. If you're persistent, creativity won’t dare show up.
Pro tip: If the doubt alone isn’t strong enough, make a list of your weaknesses and keep it handy to read anytime you feel inspired.
2. Prioritize Chores Over Creative Time
Why create when you could clean? Productivity can be a great excuse for avoiding creative pursuits. Laundry, taxes, dishes – these things will always be there to keep you busy and block your creative mind. A clutter-free home? Great. A cluttered mind filled with creative thoughts? Avoid at all costs.
Bonus idea: If all your chores are done, find some new ones! Organize your spice rack, alphabetize your books, clean your inbox. Keep that mind too busy for flights of fancy.
3. Replace Your Idea Lists with Shopping Lists
Nothing distracts like consumerism. Instead of brainstorming ideas, make lists of everything you don’t have. Focus on what’s missing – that new art supply, that fancy notebook. Spend your energy and attention scrolling through online stores, looking at things that might be nice to have, but won’t spark any creativity.
Extra tip: Make elaborate shopping lists, and keep checking items off. Reward yourself with a nice empty mind, free from pesky creative thoughts.
4. Avoid Inspiration at All Costs
This one’s crucial: make sure you isolate yourself. Don’t look at what others are doing, don’t visit museums, and stay far away from any books, artwork, or music that might awaken that inspiration you’re avoiding. Keep a rigid mindset that your creativity has to be purely original and untouched by anyone else’s ideas.
Insider's trick: Tell yourself that seeing other people’s work will only lead to copying. Avoid inspiration so fervently that you forget what it feels like to be inspired at all.
5. Stick to Boring Realism
If all else fails and you somehow still find yourself holding a brush or pen, focus solely on realism. Paint apples, draw your friends' faces, recreate everyday objects. Do it over and over until the very sight of a pencil feels exhausting. Why paint imaginary worlds or express emotions? Stick to lifelike accuracy, and kill that creative urge once and for all.
Advanced technique: Remind yourself that we have photos now – why even bother painting when a camera can do it so much better?
Bonus Tip: Revive Old, Dusty Ideas
Elizabeth Gilbert once said to try resurrecting abandoned ideas, so this is perfect for a creativity kill. Instead of giving life to something fresh and exciting, dig up those old, half-baked concepts from years ago. Pour energy into trying to breathe life into something that doesn’t feel exciting anymore, and watch your creativity wither under the pressure.