Healing breakup with art therapy (person ...

Healing breakup with art therapy (personal experience)

Jul 05, 2024

This is a fairy tale - a story - the conclusion of my romantic adventures. It was written during a breakup and became the period in my love story.

The plot of the tale revolves around the Witch and the Elf, who were in love but never became a couple.

Writing this story chapter by chapter helped me express emotions connected with a failed relationship. In a situation with no contact, creating characters based on me and my partner and giving them life on paper (or rather digital notes) had put me aside of emotional disbalance. Watching how their story evolves and ends helped me to accept the breakup and move on to the next happy chapter of my life.

Enjoy reading.


If you want to write your own story or fairy tale, you can find instructions in my shop.


Everyone deserves closure.

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