Dogmas I don't believe in

Dogmas I don't believe in

Sep 20, 2024

Dogmas I Don’t Believe In

  1. Forgiving everyone will make you happy, karmic-free, and saintly.
    No. If someone wronged you, sometimes the right thing to do is take legal action. Justice through the courts can bring more peace than forced forgiveness.

  2. Karma will punish people for you.
    Karma isn’t your personal avenger—there are actual laws for that. Expecting karma to handle everything for you ignores the justice system and your own power to act.

  3. Everything is a life lesson for you to learn.
    Not everything happens to teach you something. Stop intellectualizing bad experiences—sometimes, things are just unfair, and it’s okay to acknowledge that without trying to extract a "lesson."

  4. Be kind, and people will only treat you with kindness.
    Unfortunately, no. People will treat you however they want, often based on their assumptions or biases before you’ve even introduced yourself. Kindness doesn’t guarantee kindness in return.

  5. Poor people are kind and genuine, rich people are greedy and evil.
    That’s just a shallow stereotype. People are complex, with both positive and negative traits, regardless of their wealth. Don’t reduce individuals to one-dimensional characters based on their bank balance.

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