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Making GOLD during the YEAR ONE EVENT in ...

Making GOLD during the YEAR ONE EVENT in ESO!

Aug 27, 2021

Hey everyone!

I've been feeling pretty sick lately (fingers crossed it isn't covid, I'm just waiting on my results!) which means that I, unfortunately, have to push back my regularly scheduled video for this weekend - I will try to have it up on my channel as soon as possible!

In the meantime, here is some advice that I can provide you guys with that concerns the current YEAR ONE EVENT to keep you going until my next video! If you are interested in how to best make gold during this ESO event, I suggest that you:


The last time these babies were dropping was 3 years ago! As you can imagine, since fashion is endgame after all, and the supply for these was incredibly limited, these style pages sold for millions of gold years after that first Orsinium event. If you don't mind long-term investments, consider purchasing (or at the very least hanging onto) these bad bois.


Now's the time to hit up IC if you enjoy pvping, and if you don't, it's still worthwhile to at least do the quests! The quests are currently dropping TWO siegemaster's coffers (instead of just 1). This means that you can quickly build up quite the stockpile of these to be able to then open one ONCE PER DAY to receive a [Siege of Cyrodiil Merit]. Do recall that you can buy very expensive items with these merits (like the TimberCrow costume)!


It's an ideal time to do some farming - whatever kind of farming you prefer most! Perhaps it's farming nodes in Craglorn for a chance at getting a Potent, or Fortified Nirncurx, as well as double the amount of materials. Or perhaps it's farming Craglorn trials, for double the number of jewelry grains (do recall that you'd get 4 CHROMIUM GRAINS from completing a vet Craglorn HM trial)! Or maybe even farming dailies, for double the daily reward coffers that could contain valuable gear and motifs inside! Because the market is bound to be saturated with plenty of Wrothgar gear and motifs, it may be worthwhile to hang onto your most sought-after items and wait to sell them when there is less competition (since you'll be able to sell your item for more)!

Have fun out there during this year one event! If you're on PC NA, maybe I'll see you x-ing up in zone chat for some world boss dailies! :) Cheers!

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