Building a Framework with AI

Building a Framework with AI

Jul 24, 2023

OK, I’ll admit it. I have a hard time asking for help, but I think I’m pretty good at being in service. And I had a profound realization. Which is, that if I want to accomplish my dream of building a next generation operating system for humanity, if that’s something that really want to see in the world, then I have to be willing to learn new skills, fail gracefully, and ask for help from others. 

So I consulted with a kind of collective conscious (that isn’t social media) by working with Claude 2, an “ethical AI” by Anthropic, and you won’t believe the conversation that took place. I was so moved to document and share this engaging and intellectually moving conversation, that I created an interactive ebook to get the message out. To get the ebook, "Building a Framework for Humanity with AI", all you have to do is buy me a coffee or book a consultation.

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