Pouch 9: Loud Multipart

Pouch 9: Loud Multipart

Sep 02, 2024

This one is exciting! Just look at this colour! And this shape!

I think this print is "African wax". It's so colourful and proud. I thought the equally energetic orange for the inner went well with it.

You'll also notice that this isn't just one piece of fabric! This has a 'front', and 'back', and a bottom. I didn't quite managed to get the patterns to overlap (I actually didn't even think to considering it). This pattern is called a 'Dorothy Bag' from Bramble Patch. It didn't really occur to me that people would sell these patterns, but I'm very pleased they do.

The fabric and the pattern were both bought at the Festival of Quilts which my mom and I both went to and really enjoyed. The art that people make with fabric and a fancy sewing machine is very impressive. We didn't get to look around all of them - there were so many there, and many of them are worth stopping and thinking about. The other side of the Festival were many stalls, and I left with over £200 of goodies to play with, including this pattern and a few other "pouches".

Follow a pattern for this was quite difficult. There are many words and instructions that sounded alien to me. At more than one point I couldn't visualise what the pattern was explaining, and had to call my mom. She interpreted them immediately, of course, so I think it's just a skill I will pick up as I read more.

There are no eyelets this time around. Instead, I stitched a channel for a homemade cord to thread through. This was a complete faff! It took me the good part of an hour and many tries to correctly thread the the cord.

The pattern actually calls for two cords, so it can be pulled on either side. There was just no way I was going to be able to do that, so this is a single drawstring for now.

My previous pouches can be done in less than an hour if fancied, but this one took me the best of a day with a sewing machine. It was jolly good practice though: reading patterns, connecting three pieces of fabric, working with tubes, and many sewing machine tricks.

Destination of this pouch: It's a vibrant decorative item in my studio for the moment.

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