Pouch 8: Large and Floral

Pouch 8: Large and Floral

Aug 28, 2024

Pouch 8 was made a few minutes after finishing pouch 7, because I was wondering what a larger circle would do. Would it give me that neck?

It does not, but it is still really nice!

The pattern for this is exactly the same as 7, but once again with a bigger piece of fabric.

This is entirely made from things that were around the Hackspace. We have a nice stash of good sized fabrics that are free to a good project.

I managed to get a hold of silver eyelets this time, which works lovely with the lighter pouch.

This is the first time I've used ribbon rather than string or cord. It works really well.

But, this bag certain taught me that bigger isn't always the fix to every problem. It has a large volume, but the same issue as the smaller ones: the pull string to close up the pouch doesn't close as well as I'd like and it closes up into a ball. I'd like something with a little more character.

Destination of this pouch: It holds some of my sewing machine supplies and does a fine job at it.

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