hi friends! it's been a while since i've written on here. but i wanted to share some encouragement. i've been recently reflecting on my passions, goals and dreams and i realized, if i don't step out, if i don't take a chance on myself to fully pursue them, all they will ever be is just that—a dream!
i don't know about you, but i'm tired of hitting the snooze button on myself. tired of slumbering sweetly on the desires of my heart and fantasizing about the future, instead of taking the necessary risks to make it happen!
here's the thing though...it won't happen overnight.
it's been said that it takes about 30 years for an oak tree to reach 'maturity'. some reaching heights as tall as 100 feet! well whatever success looks like for you, whatever 'height' you're trying to reach—
you are worth the work it takes.
invest in yourself. intentionally pour into your passions. seek out the necessary resources. share and support others. continue learning your craft. immerse and engage in supportive communities.
you can do it. don't give up on yourself. don't believe the lie that it's too late for you. it's not. you've got to do some watering, you've got to plant those seeds in the environments designed to help you sustain the growth you're trying to achieve.
the deepest roots get the water.
time to dig in!
a message to myself and maybe for you, too.