What news from life of mars at the start ...

What news from life of mars at the start of 2025

Jan 03, 2025

This last version includes many internal changes and, Christmas obliges, removes Elon Omega Musk's request to destroy a Chinese building.The changes in this new version are mainly internal. They concern the memory allocated to the display. Until now, the terrain was completely drawn and the elevator bars allowed to travel across it. I left the browser to only display what is visible on the screen.
Now only space equal to the size of the game screen is allocated. To scroll the screen, simply hover the mouse towards one of the edges of the game board.
What will this change bring?
First, less graphics memory usage.
Then, I will be able to considerably enlarge the map of Mars, because the game board uses little space in memory apart from the display part.
Why didn't I do this before?
My idea was to create a game that would be playable from the first versions. I therefore ignored certain technical constraints.
I took advantage of a few days of vacation to clean up my code. The program is now mature and I will soon add the various buildings that will make our Martian base a gateway to the stars.

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