What do you hide?

What do you hide?

Sep 01, 2021

What do you hide

beneath that smile?

I feel like you have answers

to some of my questions.

Will you strip off your thoughts

one after the other

to let me inside your mind?

Talk to me tonight

about my insecurities

and my darkest of fears.

Say things that scare me.

For I know you'll catch me

after pushing me down

the cliff of my mind

to make me feel dead

and alive at the same time.

Hey ! Do you care

about any compliments?

Or do you already know

that you're more than

just a pretty face?

Talk to me tonight or

until the sunlight peeps

through the gap in the window

to watch you beautifully unravel

the secrets of the universe

that you carry

inside your mind.


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