When Some Memories Don't Die, They Kill… ...

When Some Memories Don't Die, They Kill…!

Mar 18, 2023

They’ll creep on you when you least expect them!

There are some memories that linger like a persistent stain on an otherwise pristine canvas, they linger like a dark cloud that refuses to dissipate. They are the kind of memories that pierce the heart like a knife, leaving an open wound that refuses to heal. When some memories don’t die, they kill.

They are the memories of a love that once burned bright but has since turned to ashes. The memories of a loss so profound that it feels like the world has stopped spinning. They are the memories of a betrayal that cuts so deep that it feels like a physical pain. These memories are the kind that burrow deep into the recesses of your mind, entrenching themselves so firmly that they become a part of who you are. They are the kind that hold you hostage, leaving you unable to move forward or to let go.

At first, you may think that these memories are a testament to the depth of your emotions, a reminder of a love that was once so all-consuming that it left an indelible mark on your soul. But as time wears on and the memories refuse to loosen their grip, you begin to realize that they are not a badge of honor but a weight that you cannot bear.

And so you try to forget. You fill your life with new experiences and new people, hoping that they will drown out the echoes of the past. You throw yourself into your work, your hobbies, your passions, anything to distract yourself from the pain that lingers just beneath the surface. But no matter how hard you try, the memories persist, a constant reminder of what you once had and what you have lost. They are the memories that make us wonder if we will ever be whole? That’s when you realize that some memories don’t die, they kill.

They rob you of the ability to love, to trust, to believe in the beauty of the world around you. They turn you into a shell of the person you once were, consumed by bitterness and regret. It’s a cruel irony, that the very memories that once brought you so much joy can ultimately be your undoing. But perhaps that’s just the price we pay for loving deeply, for opening ourselves up to the possibility of hurt.

Perhaps the only way to truly move on is to accept that some memories will always be a part of us, but that they need not define us. We must learn to live with them, to acknowledge their existence without allowing them to control our lives. It is only then that we can truly be free.

I hope you could relate this to certain parts of your life. Maybe the pain you don’t talk about. I’m glad you’re here. And I want you to know that this is your safe space. I also hope that you enjoyed the read. Do support me.

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