Coming Back to Our True-Selves via Equin ...

Coming Back to Our True-Selves via Equine Facilitated Interactions & Healing

Nov 18, 2024

An interesting thing happens when we’re around horses in this way, it’s as if we come back to our most essential self in their presence.

Where, for a time, all of the outer-world with its noise, pretence, pressure and problems, quietly fades away into the background. And all of our own internal pressures, fears and doubts also slip quietly into the background and instead, a much more real, whole and vibrant sense of self can step forth.

It’s like we slip back into our real-skin; our real-selves.

When this happens our need to constantly defend ourselves also lessens. Our tight holding-on and other (mal)adaptive behaviours can ease-up, taking a back seat, rather than always being in the driving seat. This allow for our deeper essence to step forward for once; the eternal wise part of ourselves who knows exactly who we are beneath all of our protecting, pretending and avoiding.

When we inhabit this part of ourselves we feel utterly safe both within and in the world. We can trust ourselves again and others too. We feel freer, more playful, more grounded, centred and complete. We no longer have to try so hard to be accepted, we can simply BE exactly who we truly are.

It is a gift indeed and one that anyone can benefit from.

©Angela Dunning

Image by Neroski, licesend via Shutterstock.

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