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Welcome to a new week

Welcome to a new week

Jun 17, 2024

Monday morning and there's rain outside watering the plants. Norway is abundant in water. The air here is very fresh and the nature is abundantly green. I find myself appreciating these things so much more now that I've returned from 2 years in Mexico which is another wonderful place to be. Simply different ways of wonderful. It's funny to ever think there is one right and one wrong way to be.. A right/wrong place to live. Right/wrong choices to make. Sure, we feel what's right for us within us in this moment and sure our inner compass might warn us about what is wrong for us in a certain situation and when others are being fake or authentic as we witness them. Now that I look back the past 3-4 months it all seems to have happened pretty fast and it started with one morning. The morning I had made the decision to move back to Norway. I believe it was Monday. Just the night before I was telling M how I don't feel called to move back to Europe to wake up the next day feeling crystal clear that I would in fact be returning there. All I needed was to make one decision and start acting according to that decision. It's funny, no? Sudden let go of the desired outcome or the way events in my life should take place. It's the hardest and the easiest thing to do at the same time. 

Now that I have so much time to reflect on my past I have made a conscious choice to unsubscribe from the rush and subscribe to what falls in organically. As I'm writing this I can hear my phone buzzing behind me that I left charging on the other side of the room. Someone has messaged me. In moments like this when something in me wants to immediately see who it was I tend to ask myself, does my phone belong to me or do I belong to the phone.. It's worth reflecting on it from time to time.

Sometimes it feels like more is needed for the perfect circumstances to arise when in reality all that was needed was to make a decision. So I am deciding, this is the right place to be and the right thing to do and the right way to do this thing. 

Have a beautiful week my friends!

Much love,


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