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Processing 300+ Sustainable Development ...

Processing 300+ Sustainable Development Goal Initiatives on Curaçao

Mar 21, 2024

My findings while processing 300+ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Initiatives on Curaçao.

As the Content Manager for the Club17 Curacao SDG-Tracker App I have created multiple questionnaires to understand local SDG Initiatives. I read all the submitted Initiatives and translated those to usable and understandable (storytelling) data. We collected the “stories” in a mobile app where you can find information about sustainability efforts on Curaçao.

In this blog post I want to share some of my findings. But first I want to address the elephant in the room 🐘👇

There is an ethical challenge when SDGs are used. What we need to keep in mind is that the main focus is Social & Economic Development so no one stays behind and with that in mind, we the people do our best to do the right thing for future generations.

In my line of work I deal with everyday people, some have small businesses, some work for NGOs and other represent local and/or international corporations. The submissions to the SDG-Tracker app come from the above mentioned pool. Some are from grassroots initiatives, others are established NGOs and some are corporations that want to show what they are doing right. They are all lead by humans with their personal or professional agendas.

we use the SDGs as a compass to guide us/them in the right direction, to offer alternatives to improve sustainability efforts or offer ways to offset their footprint. We build bridges for a more sustainable future.

There are many good and lesser good examples to be discussed and we need to keep in mind that we often deal with people that are trying to do well but might miss the time or the knowledge or the ability to do things differently and when it comes to the SDGs they are most likely working outside their core business/specialties.

In those cases we use the SDGs as a compass to guide us/them in the right direction, to offer alternatives to improve sustainability efforts or offer ways to offset their footprint. We build bridges for a more sustainable future.

There is no one way solution to multi-dimensional problem solving. We are making an effort to not leave anyone behind using SDGs and do it as environmentally friendly as possible as we feed and educate as many citizens as possible.

To monitor this attempt in a mobile app is a unique opportunity. You carry your phone everywhere you go, so now you can look up in your phone what is being done, for example, under the SDG 3 Health and Well-Being flag on Curaçao so you can participate in a healthier society. Or how you can contribute to SDG 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions and create a fairer society. Or cooperate with your initiative to any other SDG that is related to SDG 14 Life Below Water or SDG 15 Life on on Land and with that inevitably contribute to SDG 13 Climate Action.

The use of the Club17 Curaçao SDG-Tracker App is still in the beginning phases of it’s user experience development, but there have been many lessons and improvements along the way. Let's break down some lessons.

There are many grass root initiatives

What is going well?

  • People (that are involved with Initiatives, Businesses & NGOs) want to contribute.

  • There are a lot of activities that are thinking about their long-term impact (footprint).

  • There are many grass root initiatives.

  • There is more collaboration than ever between stakeholders.

  • We are more conscious about our mental and physical health.

  • More and more people want to know how to improve their sustainability efforts.

Change happens best when there are viable alternatives.

What’s could go better?

  • We need more basic simple education efforts on how we can implement SDGs in our daily life.

  • We need to share (showcase) how people are using SDGs in their projects.

  • We need to accept that change happens best when there are viable alternatives.

  • We want to do too much too soon too big.

  • We rely too much on our government to implement change.

  • Initiatives, Businesses & NGOs should explain better WHY they value sustainability and what they are doing about it.

How do I think we can contribute with the Club17 SDG-Tracker App?

  • Educate the people how to use the app in their personal benefit by finding relatable SDG initiatives that they can interact with

  • Facilitate the use of registration forms in the app so initiatives can call on local volunteers and donations for local SDG Initiatives.

  • Bring people and organizations together for interdisciplinary stakeholder engagement.

How can we unite under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals?

The SDGs can help you translate community efforts into more community engagement by using the SDGs as a common language. For example “We are going to focus on SDG 3, 8 & 12” gives you the idea on your prioritized SDGs, but inevitable you will be touching more SDGs if you’ll be using renewable energy for example. Instead of getting lost in doing more, we should focus on what we are doing right which is our targeted 3 SDGs. Everything else is a bonus and should only be treated as such.

🙋‍♂️ Visit for more information about the SDGs and The Global Goals.

My task is to make SDGs and the use of them understandable and accessible to everyone.

How can you/we monitor?

There are many ways to monitor SDGs. I’m not a data scientist nor analyst, so I’m keeping it simple here. My task is to make SDGs and the use of them understandable and accessible to everyone. So here is my simple take to monitor SDGs on Curaçao for everyday use.

  1. Submit your Curaçaoan SDG initiative to the Club17 Curaçao SDG-Tracker App (or to a platform available in your country.)

  2. Scroll through the app, tap on the SDGs that are of value to you, read and learn, give feedback, contribute or start a new initiative.

  3. Monitoring isn't a one day event. It's infinitive! Initiatives and organizations change, the people working at initiatives and organizations change and our values change. So tracking and upkeeping data is the best monitoring tool that we have and its best to do that as a community.

  4. Accept that we can only hold people and organizations responsible if we have the correct data over a longer period of time. See it as a reforestation project but with educating people about sustainability over 17 measurable goals.

I know all too well that time is ticking, that's why I personally put so much time and effort in sharing knowledge and facilitating the once that can actually offer alternatives.

We the people are responsible, not the government, they are to govern. Not the corporations, they have shareholders and annual figures to uphold. But we the people choose who we elect to govern and with who we do business. That’s how we as the people monitor. Buy less products in single use plastic. Eat meat less often. Plant a tree in the corner of your yard, or better yet join an organization that plants hundreds. Educate yourself regarding renewable energies, but most of all develop yourself and support the people around you that are making an effort to make a difference.

Share with your friends why you make certain choices, but allow them to make their own.

Make a choice when you do your shopping and let the government and corporations know by using the Club17 app. Let it be known that Sustainability matters to you and which SDG is the closest to your values.

Download the Club17 Curaçao SDG-Tracker App to discover more. Submit your Initiative, Event or Recycle Location under the Submit Button.

It is in the small actions together that we can create change. But we must act everyday. Repeatedly. Together. And individually, when no one is watching.

Visit Club17 Curaçao SDG-Tracker App to discover more

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