You Don’t Know What You Can Do Until You ...

You Don’t Know What You Can Do Until You Try.

Dec 16, 2024

Hello friends, I want you to close your eyes for a minute and imagine where you desire your life to be. I want you think for a moment focused on where you are now and reject the notion that the gap between you and where you see yourself is wide.

It has often been said that “if you think you can’t then you can’t. And If you think you can then you can.” I do not know who made that statement but I do agree 100%. Another famous question of coaches and trainers is this: “what would you start doing today if you knew you were not going to fail.”

Around the end of October this year, I felt the Spirit nudge me yet again to upload videos and content and article posts on YouTube. He reminded me that he had told me things about the US elections from 2020, about Donald Trump and Crypto assets that I had not published wide except for a few mentions in posts here and there on my personal Facebook page. On November 1, I surrendered and uploaded my very first “serious” YouTube post and 45 days after I have added 1,100 subscribers who are engaged consistently. I have made new friends and connections that exceeded my expectations. God has proved Himself yet again faithful.

I am writing to you who have followed me and supported my work with your hard earned money. Thank you! But more than that I want this post to urge and motivate you to move in the direction of what you were seeing as you closed your eyes for a minute at the beginning of this post. You can do it and you will do it. I’m praying for you here and now that you will oil the engines of belief and advance in the direction of accomplishment. Friend you are not that far off. I believe this and can testify to you that you do not know what you can accomplish until you try.

Many Blessings


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