Ancroft Hounds
16 supporters

Thank You!

Jul 26, 2023

We wanted to take a moment today to write to our Buy Me a Coffee supporters.

We wanted to say a massive Thank You to all of you for your generous “tips” and support, and for you to know that you’ve added some real extra value activities for all of our visiting hounds

We started BMAC in order to add extras into our daily enrichment programme and it’s been a massive success. Your donation has enabled us to provide run free trips, lots of Puppaccino treats, summer cooling beds, a refreshed toy box with lots of snuffle challenges, ice lolly moulds, day trips, and of course, all the supplies for our very popular LIX painting school! Not to mention our latest toy, a dog massager! It keeps our treat box stocked and peanut butter in the fridge.

You’ve made a real difference and it’s meant a lot to us. We consider ourselves to be very lucky that we are able to provide this service for hounds and also that we get to meet some amazing humans too!

We are entering our second year of business already and we have some exciting plans ahead.

We hope you are enjoying your summer and look forward to seeing you and your hound soon.

Stevie and Katie. X

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