An Invitation To Peace

An Invitation To Peace

May 01, 2024

Peace has been on my mind lately. I've seen rumblings on social media of those grasping to find peace in an increasingly chaotic world. I've struggled with regaining peace when emotions or circumstances get jostled. 


This morning I woke up early and was able to enjoy the momentary vibrant colors of the sunrise before it quickly gave way to the gray of a drizzly day. It was a perfectly peaceful moment…no, that's not right, peace isn't the same as stillness….rather, it was a moment inviting me to peace.

 I think this is where we get mixed up regarding peace. Peace has nothing to do with outside circumstances; if it did we'd never have peace. Instead, peace is the state of our soul in any given circumstance.

 People are…people. Wherever you have two people you have conflict. That's just the way it is because we are individuals with unique thoughts and expressions. Peace starts on the inside. I'm not saying that WE generate our own peace—no, we can not do this. However, there is a Prince of Peace that gives us peace in the midst of the chaos.

Peace only comes from asking God what He wants from us in each day and moment and then being okay with where He has us. We lose peace when we focus on what is not ours or interject ourselves into something that isn't for us. And when trouble is in our camp, when we cry out to God and believe that He walks with us “through the valley of the shadow of death”, when we get to the other side, we do realize there was peace and grace available to us through those tough times.

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