The pain is unbearable! ⚡️

The pain is unbearable! ⚡️

Jul 09, 2022

If you didn't already know, I'm a double-leg amputee. I have an above-knee amputation on my left leg and a below-knee amputation on my right leg. Once in a blue moon, my left stump misbehaves. I get painful electric shocks deep inside of what is left of my leg. I can't put my finger on what precipitates this sensation; it's probably a combination of several things. The weight of my prosthetics does strain my back; I sometimes sit awkwardly on my left prosthetic, and I've probably got some overlooked injuries that haven't been treated. 

I treat my symptoms without medication; the following seems to help. I use a hot water bottle under my stump; I sometimes use a TENS machine on my back; I'll lay down and elevate my stump, and lastly, I'll rest on an acupressure mat. Sometimes I'll use all of these techniques together. 

The one thing I know works well is my osteopath or my sports masseuse. However, I can't always afford regular treatments. My back needs consistency; I could probably benefit from treatment once a week. This isn't possible. 

The pain usually lasts for about 12 to 48 hours; it seems to be just one of the things I have to manage due to my injuries. Please consider supporting me via this platform; you'll allow me to produce more content here and on my YouTube Channel - The Amputee Swimmer. 

Thank you.

📺 YouTube Channel The Amputee Swimmer 

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