I started writing this yesterday, after I sent the reiki, however, my day went on and I didn't jump on the laptop to share it with y'all. So I'll post it in the bottom, with my gratitude for the ability to share my love of reiki with you.
And, to complete the thought below, take some moments today to say the affirmations, and then repeat them over the next few days. The reiki energy will be felt throughout today. And it is our finale for now.
I realize that I am at my best when I am giving and it is being received. There are points in time where I doubt myself and enter in pits where I am uncertain if I'm doing the right thing and then I look around towards my community, family, or partnerships to give me validation or fill me up with something. I've realized that a lot of the work is to keep myself full and that it is okay to cry and feel the disappointment and sadness and then allow it to be interrupted by joy. If you watch a toddler go through several different emotions all in one moment, and then realize how many moments we are provided with in a day to day so that we have the ability to display our range of emotions.
I say all of that to say, a lot of feelings have come up this week during this time of reiki everyday, and I've felt incredibly proud of myself and also have cried about my shortcomings and failures. And I have no regrets because it is all a part of this journey.
Be on the lookout for more conversations about reiki and the containers that will be available soon.
Thank you for being here.
Love you,
Claudia Adalgisa.
Yesterdays writing:
I spent a good part of the evening and morning cleaning up my house.
Then went to the gym, and then took a nice shower.
After which I turned my reiki on and stood with the reiki container imagining a burst of love sent to all the people whose names were written. As I sent reiki a few affirmations came to me and I felt such a peace overcome me.
I set the container up so that there would be continued reiki for the next 24 hours and charged all the crystals surrounding it to keep sending this energy forward.
I am loved
I am healed
I am whole