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Scott bought 3 coffees.
In your May 26th podcast,'Some Women...,' Mariam (did I hear that right?) mentions "a strong, independant woman who can make a beautiful gown out of old curtains." This reminded me of a Carol Burnett skit - 'Went with the Wind' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFZavCkl9mY - I thought you might enjoy. (For no good reason, I want to mention (RAN) Lt.Commander Mic Brumby, a character from the US TV series 'JAG' from the late 1990s. I wonder who chose the name. I never heard him whinny, but then the actor WAS English.
Hi Scott, thanks so much! What a fabulous connection, Carol Burnett was just the most wonderful comic performer. I hadn't seen that skit, thoroughly enjoyed it. And I used to love JAG back in the day. Especially because they always sorted out the problem, caught the baddies, in one episode. It's interesting that every time I start to flag, wondering if anyone is actually listening to the podcast, maybe it's run its time, someone pops up to prove that they are. You're the second one this week. I've been really busy with work and travel the past few weeks, so I'm hoping against hope to have this week's episode up in time. Those 3 coffees should do the trick! Thanks again, stay safe. F