I was a Heaux. And I'm admitting It. I wont take it back because I did the shit.
Now that I have your attention and that song will be in your head all day, hi! My name is Ally, I’m 41, and I’ve lived a hundred lives in just this lifetime. Here’s a list of just the lives I can remember off the top of my head:
Went to 5 elementary schools, 2 Middle Schools, 3 High Schools (one of which was a private Christian k-12 school I got expelled from 2 weeks before senior graduation for not letting the Dean blackmail me) between 2 states (NE & CA)
📣 Competitive cheerleader & power tumbler
Had a parent with SMI (Serious Mental Illness) who kidnapped us & lied to us all our lives
👎 Christian (baptized Methodist)
🖍️ United States Marine (Logistics)
Wife & Ex-Wife
Mother & Stepmother
🦾 Disabled Veteran (I got blown tf up & got cool scars & CPTSD)
💄 Pinup Model
⛓️💥 Lifestyle fetishist, sub, switch, Pro Domme
🧿 Witch
🔨 Norse pagan
💃 Exotic dancer (shout out Detroit Hustler Club)
🍷 Alcoholic
🐶 Canine Behaviorist & Animal Caretaker for Animal Control
💉 Veterinary Assistant
🔮 Professional Tarot Reader
🎓College Student (2yr cert.: Medical Coding & Billing; AA: Health Information Technology; 3 credits from a BS: Health Information Management; BA: Human Services w/ concentration in Child & Family Services; MA in progress: Clinical Mental Health Counseling)
🫘 Living Kidney Donor (2018)
📕 Best Selling Self-Published Author (Amazon)
Fiber Artist (Crochet Gang 🧶)
I’ve lived in 9 states in the United States, 7 of which as an adult, and only one was because of the military)
🚛 I have physically moved houses/living situations over 100 times
🪦 My only biological child died at the age of 17 a year ago today (1/26/25) of Ewing’s Sarcoma
🏜️ I’m married to the great great grand-nephew of Wyatt Earp
My ex-MIL taught me how to read tarot almost 20 years ago, and until recently I’ve been reading professionally at live events and virtually. I’m a Sagittarius sun, Leo moon, Gemini rise, Mercury dominant and my life’s work seems to spreading knowledge, leading people through the dark, and sharing my experiences. I’m in grad school to be a therapist right now, and I’m basically healing out loud. After all the times I’ve cheated death yet still been close companions with him, if someone can see themselves in my stories and find meaning in their own paths, then it’s worth it.
If you feel called to buy me a coffee, it would go towards making educational content about childhood trauma, deconstructing new age spiritual beliefs, creating the mother of all tarot courses, and yarn. Definitely yarn. So welcome to the coven. Wouldst thou like to live feraliciously?