Allied Anime
423 supporters
September Schedule (Part 1)

September Schedule (Part 1)

Sep 06, 2024


Happy September everyone! Here is the schedule for this month. This will change in upcoming weeks as some shows are ending this month and replacement polls will commence.

• Added Bunny Girl Senpai and Ranking of Kings. Winners from the previous anime poll.
• Death Note upload with 3-5 episode each week to quickly finish the series.
• Fall Seasonal Anime (Blue Lock, TYBW III, Dandadan, Dragon Ball Daima, and more)
✅TV Show
• Beef (Netflix) series already started.
• Wednesday TV series will end this month. Replacement poll will begin.
• TV Show re-upload poll.
• Cobra Kai will start next month.
• All of us are Dead won the re-upload poll and will start on Saturday.
• Halfway through the K-drama, Moving. New poll will take place before the show ends.

Note: All shows are subject to change in schedule depending on it's release date, delays. reactors availability, or technical issues. But rest assured that they will be posted ASAP.

To end this update, I would like to thank everyone who really showed their support on my page. For all the members and supporters who donated. Your likes, comments, and views really means a lot to me. I hope you continue to support me this month and next month.

Thanks and keep safe!
-Allied Anime ♥

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