You've got a higher power?
Well, sure, according to that new Colplay tune.
Nikon D810 / 24mm / 1/250 / F4 / ISO 200
6 years working at a job I enjoyed, which was simultaneously ruining my mental health, is over.
That thought I had pondered over the past year, as frightening as it seemed, finally came to fruition. I'm the opposite of Mr. Money Bags. Hell, I'm not as financially stable as most people in their mid-30's. Yet, the decision felt necessary and almost inevitable. It was my time to move forward.
Plenty of aspirations and ideas roam throughout my jumbled mind, but what's next exactly? I don't know, but it will involve photography to some capacity.
What I do know is that I finished that chapter stronger and more poised than the previous.
Time for lift off?
Nikon D610 / 120mm / 1/1250 / F7.1 / ISO 400
Yes. Absolutely, yes.
Time to embrace the unknown.
Time for anew.
Nikon D7200 / 100mm / 1/500 / F7.1 / ISO 800
Hockey season is upon us. I’m sure you’re as excited as I am:)
Nikon D810 / 120mm / 1/2000 / F4 / ISO 800
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –– Durry "Trauma Queen"
Hope you all have a wonderful Friday––