Someday, I may write about all that I learned during my walk through northern Spain. One of those lessons learned is to make better use of the mornings. While walking the Camino, I get up hours earlier than I am used to and I love the quietness of the first hours of the day. It’s fascinating to see the world waking up.
On most days, I start my walk in a small town, and often there is a small cafe that has opened up for the first pilgrims. But now I am in León, a city noted for its architecture and art, where I walked through the heart of the old town on a moment when almost everyone was still asleep. On the photo, you see only one other person who was up this early; the small silhoutte reminds us of the magnificence of the Gothic 13th-century Cathedral de León on the background.
I love the warm colors and the atmosphere in this historic city. Perhaps you had never heard of León, since it doesn’t have the brand name in tourism that cities like Madrid or Barcelona enjoy. But if you do have long-list of places to visit in your life you may want to add Leon, I think that you will enjoy the lively cafes, good food, and its historic buildings.