Route to the Tour de France 2022

Route to the Tour de France 2022

Jun 20, 2022


Route to the Tour de France 2022

As the countdown to the Tour De France 2022 depart (scheduled for the 1st July) is on, I will be taking you across a journey. From those who have no idea why cycling is the best sport to watch to the Velogames experts, you will be able to catch up and follow.

Included in the guide:

  1. Tour De France and its Place in Cycling.

  2. The Objectives of Riding the Tour De France.

  3. The Breakdown and Progress of a Cycling Race.

  4. Tour de France 2022 Parcours: Week 1

  5. Tour de France 2022 Parcours: Week 2

  6. Tour de France 2022 Parcours: Week 3

  7. The Riders to Follow in the Tour de France 2022

  8. The Big Bike Game and Velogames

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