Embrace Your Coils: A Simple Guide to Ma ...

Embrace Your Coils: A Simple Guide to Maintaining Healthy Kinky Hair

May 16, 2024

Caring for Coily Hair- A Guide

Coily hair is one of the most desirable hair types ever. And why not? They are absolutely amazing and look great on literally anyone. We can go on and on about coily hair but first, what is coily hair? Well, that is simple, they are — simply put — hair with coils! The coily hair is often characterized by ‘S’ shaped hair structure and look similar to curly hair.

A very famous coily hair type is type 4 hair type. These hair types come with three major sub-types including 4a coily hair, 4b coily hair, and coily hair All these hair types are known to bring out the best coily hair styles ever. However, while this hair looks great, they come with its own challenges of being taken care of.

Before we begin, yes, hair care can look different for everyone. However, the hair care base can be a little similar. You will need to find the right hair care products but that is not as difficult as it might sound. And we’d be lying to you if we said the taking care part is a cakewalk. But while it is not so easy, you’ve got help. We’ve got you covered. This blog is to help you discover some great tips on how to care for your kinky coily hair.

So, let’s find out more to know what you need to do to take perfect care of your hair. Let’s start!

  • Don’t wash often: What you need is that your coily hair retain the essential moisture. So, it would not be a very great idea to wash them too often. That will only rip off the essential oils from your kinky coily hair and would leave them too dry, which will make them prone to breaking away. So remember, the key to great kinky coily hair is — what but wash in moderation!

  • Don’t wash too little: While we are still talking about washing, also remember that while you don’t wash your kinky coily hair too often, you also don’t want to wash them too little. This means that your coily hair will need enough cleansing to remove all the excess oil and dirt that can stick to your head and hair in time. So make sure that you clean your coily hair enough for them to be clean and hygienic.

  • Use coil creams: Next up, you would want to preserve your coils in the perfect condition. This means that you would need to give them the nourishment and cair that they deserve, using the right kind of coily hair products. This involves coily creams and conditioners that will give your kinky coily hair the best treatment and will keep them in the best possible shape. However, be very mindful of what you use on your hair, just like you are for your skin. Test the products and go for them only if they suit you.

  • Detangling techniques: Kinky coily hair is bound to get tangled due to its structure. So, it is always best to discover some detangling techniques and use them as and when needed. We recommend that you use a wet comb or even your fingers for the best possible results. Always remember to sprinkle some water on your hair and then start the detangling process. It works like magic.

  • Use satin: Stain works magic if you are looking to keep your hair safe from friction and breaking. We highly recommend that you switch over to satin rubber bands and pillow covers to minimize friction in your kinky coily hair. This will help you reduce friction and breakage and will help you greatly in taking care of your hair.

Coily Hair Styles You Can Do

Curly and coily hairstyles are popular among black women and can be versatile and beautiful. Here are some curly coily hairstyles for black women:

Wash and Go

This style involves washing your hair and allowing it to air dry. This is a low-maintenance style that allows your natural curls to be the center of attention.


This style involves sectioning your hair into small sections and twisting each section around your finger or a twisting product. After the twists are dry, you can unravel 4c coily hair to create defined and elongated curls.

Bantu Knots

Get curlier hair with bantu knots hairstyle

This style involves sectioning your hair and twisting each section into a small bun. This style can be worn as is or taken down to reveal bouncy curls.

Faux Locs

This style involves wrapping your hair with synthetic hair to create long, twisted locks. This style can last for weeks and can be styled in various ways.


Get a bold look with the Afro hairstyle

This is a bold and beautiful style that celebrates the natural texture of black hair.


This is a protective style that can be worn for several weeks and is easy to maintain. These are just a few examples of curly coily hairstyles for black women. You can experiment with different styles and find the one that suits your personality and is a great gifting option .


Great Deals, Greater Hair

So these are our tips that will help you take care of your kinky coily hair. And we do know that for someone who is new to the care stylesheet, these might look a little overwhelming. However, trust us when we say this, these are some of the best things that you can give to your hair. They work like magic.

We hope you also discover some more tips on your way to your self care journey. You and your hair deserve the absolute best, and we hope that the tips from us serve you just right for that. Now while we are still talking about styling and hair care tips, we would suggest that you visit the Indique to experience their unique collection of hair pieces and hair extensions which will also involve options for kinky coily hair.

They have umpteen color and size options available. You can choose from their unique collection and also try out your hair care tips on their hair pieces. It will give you a fair idea of what works for you. We hope you get to grab some great hair pieces. Happy shopping! Save at least 25% plus daily deals up to 50% off. Shop now to save and lock in that summer look.

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