Hello there!

Aug 15, 2022

Here's a little meta / behind the scenes post to open things up here:

I registered my Instagram handle (ajdrew.photos) because if someone asked where they could find a photo I took of them they could type it into an address bar and have a landing page-- which over the last few days has been coming into existence!

Since photography isn't my day job I'm not up for shelling out the upfront costs for print and licensing sites just yet. I'm experimenting with ways to keep things more hobby than business while still being able to grow and invest further into the craft to be able to shoot more types of opportunities and make new friends and connections.

That's where this page / the "Buy me a coffee" button on my site comes in. It's a service for being able to give creators a one-time tip and also lets me try out ways to offer prints and licensing without upfront costs which at this point would take away from gear and force me to focus more on turning this into a business venture.

My site's super minimal for now so I have a mostly fresh canvas for building it up incrementally and seeing what works. It's just enough for me to direct folks to it when I have more photos to share than Instagram allows-- like my photos from "24 Hours of Booty" which are now up there!

What do you think of this strategy? Have any thoughts or tips to share?

Cheers 👋

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